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17 days and counting!

Okay, so there were only 13 days between the last fits. It is now 17 days since the one on 1st March. After the last blood test we increased the phenobarbital slightly and he really does seem a little calmer without losing more leg control. This morning, as usual, he had his meds at 08:00 then went back to sleep. No crying, no whinging for food. I always give him and Triana, our other dog, a treat when I make my first cup of tea. This is usually a home-made biscuit - home made is best, you can be sure of what the ingredients are and prevent lots of sugar. Sometimes, he comes back for another one, but not for the last few days - he´s been content with just one. In case you are interested, here is the recipe:

Peanut Butter crunchies

250 g wholemeal flour

150 g peanut butter

2 eggs

1 teaspoon of ground ginger

1 teaspoon of turmeric

Honey - about 2 tablespoons but you can leave out if calories are important

A little cold water

Put all the ingredients EXCEPT the water into a bowl and mix (using your hand works best).

Add the cold water a little at a time, it needs to be quite solid mix, so add just enough so the mixtures comes together.

Take between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of mixture (depending on the size of your dog) and form into a rough ball and place on a baking sheet.

Bake at 150 C for 15 to 20 minutes

The crunchies will harden up when they are cold.

You can experiment with the amounts of honey, ginger and turmeric. My dogs love ginger biscuits, yours might not.

I would love to hear from other families with epileptic dogs. Please write to me.

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