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Visitors & Lunch Out!

Well family arrived two days ago. Family arriving and leaving usually triggers seizures for Elvis, but (fingers crossed) this time he´s been fine.

Today we were driving up the coast, an hour journey, which we were not looking forward to. Its very strange but Elvis used to like being in the car, and we could eat out and he would be good sitting quietly under the table. Then a few times ago after a bad day of fits, he started to cry all the time in the car. He also started to be a right pain if we were eating out. He would be constantly crying/whining , begging for food and generally making a nuisance of himself often to the disgust of other diners. So, we stopped going out to eat and made the car journeys only when really necessary. This continued for a about 3 months, during which time there were about four different days when he was fitting. Then after the last day of fits, he changed back again. Now he is quiet in the car and no problem when we are eating out. We were dreading today, especially as the friends we were meeting have 3 dogs. So with Elvis and our other dog, Triana 5 dogs and 6 people in a restaurant could have been a disaster, but it wasn´t, we had a lovely time and only after more than 2 hours did Elvis start to get a little agitated. So it was a successful day because we had a lovely lunch and we now have our old Elvis back who enjoys the car and is a good boy in restaurants. It is almost like a switch was flicked a while ago and 3 weeks ago, after the last day of fits, it got flipped back.

I wonder if anything like this has happened to anyone else?

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